"It is the quality of one’s convictions that determines success, not the number of followers."- Remus Lupin



My name is Yuleisy; welcome!

Born in the Dominican Republic and raised in New York City, I enjoy discussing film, higher education, mentoring, and communications topics.

This portfolio manifests these topics or, in reality, anything that comes to mind.

Please join me on my journey.


Video Series: Mind The Gap - London Vlog

It all began with one idea. After years of research, I took myself for my 25th birthday to London. Here is a recap of the trip.

Video Series: Making a way out of no way.

This video means a lot to me. This was an amazing trip with amazing people!

Video Series: What I call Home…

One of the first videos that I ever did with my crappy

phone a long, long time ago. It means a lot to me as well.

Let's talk!

If you have any questions or comments, please contact me through Instagram.

